5 Reviews liked by KFCMurderChicks

Game was alright, dev had a meltdown and revealed they were a piece of shit and also crazy, claiming they were told by God to hate people who are different and fighting with every person in the community section of their game. Had a further meltdown and made a final community post named "DONE" and removed the game from the store. I don't need to play the game anymore, that's alright.

Colosseum: Road to Freedom came out 12 years before Domina and is a far better gladiator simulator. And recently We Who Are About to Die came out and just took Domina's concept and did it better in every way, and that indie dev isn't a piece of shit, good job.

Imagine being homophobic and transphobic, meanwhile basing your game off of the TV show Spartacus (and don't deny it, the game is full of references to the TV show, from using the phrase Jupiter's Cock to the flayed-man's face to character designs). Spartacus was a very politically forward show with gay main characters in every season who are respected as characters, even showing explicit gay relationships and sex, and also having a trans woman appear within the first four episodes.

This is one of those hidden gems. I love the references to real world problems while covering them with it's cartoony atmosphere. I am also glad to announce that I am one of the translators of this entertaining game.

An important artistic moment for videogames, where the gameplay is made un-fun on purpose and it WORKS.
Playing this game is hell for the best reasons and a knowledge of the events and climate of the industry surrounding its release are needed for full appretiation of this game.
If you are the type of player to care only about gameplay this game is NOT for you, hell if you havent played mgs1 and don't care about the industry and videogames as an art form this game also is not for you.
If you are interested to see Kojima slap the gaming industry in 2001 and predict the future of both games and society in general, this game is for you.

If you want to play this game on modern systems, play Manic Miners. The original game is a pain to get working, will crash on you often, and Manic Miners is an extremely faithful remake that'll give you almost a 1:1 experience of the original game.