Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 3, 2022

Platforms Played


Completed on Medium difficulty.

As much as I want to give this game a higher review, I cannot justify giving it any higher than a 2.5 star. This is all due to the level design.

The level design is legitimately some of the most asinine shit I've ever seen in a video game. It is absurdly cryptic and confusing, almost every level is plagued with really unclear puzzles and huge sprawling layouts that are completely unhuman and really make no sense. I mean you go through bases that make legitimately no sense, I don't understand how these stormtroopers even navigate these places. Every level has a massive scope to it, it feels more like a sandbox than a level, everything is just placed at seemingly random, there are countless rooms that serve literally no purpose. It's insane.

It is really unfortunate that the level design is so horrendous, because there's so much good in this game. The movement is awesome, powers? Awesome. Gunplay? Awesome. Cutscenes? Awesome. Story? Awesome. Sounds, aesthetics, etc. There's so much awesome stuff here, but by god the level design just ruins it all.

Also, the lightsaber could be stronger, and the blocking is extremely finicky and inconsistent. You could be staring a man dead into his soul and Kyle Katarn just won't block his strike.

Also, Dash Rendar > Kyle Katarn TBH

It's quite similar to its predecessor in that the abysmal level design ruins everything else, but it's still way more fun and cool than the first, and I actually finished it all the way through so, that says something.

Oh one more thing, this game would be an actual nightmare, a straight up .5 out of 5 if it weren't for the quicksaving feature, so thank goodness for that. Levels can be insanely long.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")