This game's pretty cool man.

I don't really know what to even say about this game, especially since everyone else has already said it.
It's an extremely short game where you have one straight forward goal, which is to get on top of that mountain. Good stuff.

I believe this game popularized the term "walking simulator" but it's not really that. You walk a lot yes, but you can also slide and do the weird "O" button thing, and you have to ration your floaty-ass jumps, which gives a little depth. The game is mostly puzzle solving, though the puzzles are extremely basic it's still there. It's a simple yet fun to play game, it even has simple stealth sections.

Game is fucking beautiful visually, I have nothing new to add on this topic, shits beautiful.

One complaint though, the motion controls for the camera were annoying, and I didn't see an option to turn it off. Really nit-picking here but yeah stupid design choice there.

Also one thing kinda disappointing, I know I'm like, A LOT of years late to the Journey party, but I didn't see another player in my whole play-through. can't fault the game for that one but yeah just a bit of a bummer.

Journey is just a cool, artsy little game, would recommend.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
