I quite enjoyed this one, possibly one my favorite games from this year so far. The game can be viewed as a bit of a walking simulator, and once you accept that you'll enjoy it more. A lot of negative reviews on this seem to want Stray to be a different type of game.

The atmosphere, graphics, lighting, it's insane, just perfect stuff. The game looks beautiful and is quite detailed.

I think the game length being around six hours is good, if it were any longer the mechanics would have overstayed its welcome and gotten dull.

The story, sound, graphics, is all perfect, if I were solely rating on that the game would be a 5/5, but the game play can be a little bare-bones at times. The stealth is as basic as stealth can possibly be, it's pretty brain dead honestly. Even if you get detected you can just run and the enemies can't hit you, they also forget about you almost immediately.

The puzzle solving is pretty good, I think it's complicated enough to make you think and really explore the world you're in, but not hard enough to frustrate you. Generally this is a really easy game but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

The movement and platforming reminded me a lot of The Division, where it almost feels like you're on a grid rather than free-balling around an area. You literally cannot fall off or make any mistakes in platforming. This is OK but it just makes things a little dull sometimes.

Also animations can be a little wonky at times but that can add to the charm. Being able to defy physics and spin around uncontrollably is pretty cool, but clipping through items and AI constantly and floating on uneven terrain is a bit too much of an immersion breaker.

Still, you can easily get sucked into the world of Stray, it looks so insanely good and it's world is so impressively detailed. With really great sound design and an awesome soundtrack it is stylistically perfect.

To sum it up, it's a cute little cat game with somewhat basic gameplay but great story and atmosphere. I'd recommend it easily.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2022
