Gonna be honest and say I had no idea this was the third game in the series. After the studio that made TimeSplitters shut down I wanted to try out the series so I looked at the Microsoft store and saw only Future Perfect and 2 were on there. So I assumed this was the first game in the series. If I had looked at the screenshots on the store page probably could have avoided that mishap.

Either ways despite starting this game at the end I still enjoyed the story and characters. I was a little lost at some points but I was still able to follow along with everything. There were parts where I was thinking the game felt like I should know these people but I just assumed that was the point. In the end this is mostly a comedic story so it doesn't take it self super serious so neither should you.

As for the gameplay it's mostly a first person shooter. The guns can feel a little floaty but that's meant to help with the controller aiming and it still felt satisfying to me. Also the game has a decent amount of weapon variety since you time travel to different eras with different guns. As for mission to mission gameplay it's pretty much just linear corridors but since the shooting is fun that's not an issue.

Unfortunatly I didn't grow up with this game so I'm not sure how fun the multiplayer was but from just playing the single player and playing bots it seems like it would be a ton of fun. Also there are bonus challenges missions that help increase single player replay value. But I didn't really play them since I was satisfied with the story mode.

Overall I was impressed with how well the game held up. The graphics are cartoonish so it's hard for that to ever age terribly. Although I did play this on the Series X so it was upscaled and that probably made it look way better than it originally did.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024
