Tales of Ranking During Series Replay

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Extremely good third act as the cast grows. Breezy and I did all the side content because I wasn't ready to say good-bye to it. Only wish Fog had some more development- he and Chat do suffer a bit from being optional characters. The main four are good enough to carry the story themselves though.
Solid and fun, though some late game side stuff gets a bit tedious. Plenty of cute fluff mixed in the serious story and an explanation with resolution for the villain show that Tales was Tales from the very start.
Feels like they got too far into development before realizing what they were making wouldn't fit onto a DS card. Every compromise they made to get this thing out makes the game worse and it's one of the most tedious 15 hours I've spent in a while. Boring cast, boring/frustrating combat. Fully earns its place as the worst Tales game.


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