MDickie is great, this game is actually good.

Aside from the ridiculous moments this game has, it's actually a decent wrestling game, grappling chains and sequences can be quite impressive, it's kinda hard to figure it out at first though.
You have a Career Mode and GM Mode, both of them being hilarious and insanely random.

I think it's worth checking out at least once if you like wrestling. The game also has wrestlers from WWE, WCW, NJPW, and other promotions with different names so they don't get sued, you'll recognize them right away.

It's good, very addictive and it has great moments. Also annoyingly hard which is part of the charm, you're gonna get beat, imprisoned or eaten alive a lot.

Sadly, a lot of features feel really poorly implemented and need to be modded for them to function properly. There's not much of an end-game, once you finally get strong and gather a small group, there's not many things to do, the game has a great journey and a dissapointing payoff. There's barely any dialogue so forget about that.

Kenshi 2 is in development and I'll sure keep an eye on it. I hope they add more stuff like armies, taking over cities, and more interaction between you and the world, so it reacts to what you're doing. Kenshi is a solid foundation for something great, I hope it'll get there.

Actually great back and forth, punishing style of boxing game. I love the sprites and sound design the game has going on.

Butterbean is the scariest person on the planet.

Total VC chaos and a massive shitstorm in 150 player battles, accompanied with a great community.

Mind you all the craziness aside, this is still a semi-realistic simulator of the Napoleonic Era, having long-reload times and overall stiffness to everything you do, so if that's not your cup of tea, you might not have a great time.

Absolutely nothing is interesting.

The hacking is lame, the only thing I recall being pleasing is hacking the city lights which looks visually cool. The writing is terrible, the characters feel like they're from some 2020 Netflix show with no budget.

I don't know what they were going for here or who they were targetting, it's looks like they wanted to be edgy and dark but they didn't even try.

Big fan of the movie, I really enjoyed what they've done here.

The game starts as a prequel to the film, it teaches you more about their members and how the gang started, I especially appreciated how they gave a lot of story to Cleo, the leader of The Warriors. It really tries to fill you in on everything that the film couldn't, like many gangs that you see at the beginning of the film, but couldn't have an appearance due to lack of time.
They captured the charm of the movie perfectly with the visuals and the soundtrack, nothing feels out of place. And this adds up to the experience as you gotta defend your turf, rob stores, mark your territory and beat up dudes, all with the help of your gang members which you can order around. The combat is good and messy, you and the enemies get real bloody, the IA can be a bit cheap but you can get around it.

If you're a fan of the movie, it's definitely worth checking out. If you have a friend, the game has co-op too, and a few game-modes where you can VS each other.

Out of the 3 Looney Tunes games on the PS1, this is my favorite and one of my favorite puzzle games of all time.

The main goal is to steal the sheeps from Sam Sheepdog without being noticed. There's a lot creative ways to get through a level and it can get quite challenging even nowadays. Very well crafted levels with a fantastic funk soundtrack and great own unique style. It has a lot of details and references to other Looney Tunes characters, which adds to the charm.

I have this game soundtrack stuck in my head since 2001.

One of the great 3 PS1 Looney Tunes games, this one being a co-op oriented one with one player playing as Bugs and the other one Tazz. It's oddly atmospheric, in a weird mysterious way that you don't expect from a game like this.
The goal is to collect items from each level, and there's mini-games for it that drop you one, one that comes to mind is the weird Aztec ball game which was really fun.

Play with a friend if you can, though you can play solo, the game was clearly made with a co-op experience in mind.

When the run stuck, did you press it twice?

It's like Yakuza, but you have no sound.