Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 20, 2024

Platforms Played


Second GOTM finished for January 2024. There were some bright spots here and there, and the depth of content available in this game was surprising and likely would've captivated me for days as a child. However, the core gameplay felt awful. Not being able to reliably target enemy parts (or enemies as a whole) left nearly every battle feeling like complete chance. This, coupled with a decent encounter rate, made for a painful slog. I'd smoke bosses, and get one-shot by scrubs. I'd get crushed by an enemy, fight them again with the same loadout, and obliterate them. Sometimes that process was 20 times in a row before it worked out. What's the point of spending all this time on collecting parts and building out an ideal unit if every time you use them you have no idea if they'll actually do what you want!? Arbitrary story checkpoints that lead to (or detract from) multiple endings isn't fun either. Apparently has some good postgame content, but I put this down as soon as the credits rolled.