The pure joy of discovery as you slowly unlock this game's secrets might just be unmatched. You receive just enough information to get your mind working at it, you study what's in front of you until you guess at a possible solution, you keep trying until... success! It is so brilliantly designed and paced.

And this in an action game! Most pure puzzle games can't even approach this level of unraveling an excellent mystery. But Tunic expertly puts both its puzzle elements and its action elements on a knife's edge of balance, making you work at the more difficult sections or incentivizing different approaches, but always keeping things within the realm of fair possibility.

Add in the gorgeous visual style, the cute character designs, and a synth-focused soundtrack that is atmospheric but in a way that stands out to enhance the experience rather than just blending into the background, and you've got yourself a formula for genuine greatness.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2024
