Altogether pretty decent for a short game with a low price if you get it on sale. It lacks polish in certain aspects of the design here and there - an overreliance on invisible walls in the environment design, some repeat bosses near the end to pad the game out a bit. The Snake Queen boss is also a ridiculous difficulty spike out of nowhere and much more difficult than any other boss encounter. It also doesn't have the budget for cutscene animation, but I don't really mind that too much.

One thing I have to mention is that while you usually have control of the camera, in some encounters the camera fixes position in a way very similar to NieR. However, Ultra Age doesn't seem to understand why the NieR games do that to give a certain pacing, and it ends up just feeling like it's copying NieR's homework.

The combat mechanics / animations and enemy and boss movesets are decently well-made. The durability system for weapons is a nice unique gameplay hook without feeling like you have to scrimp and save for resources. The invincibility dash is very generous and I feel like the game would be significantly harder and probably not as enjoyable if it were less so. The progression and upgrades of your weapons and tools is constantly going up, which feels great and works well for a short game like this.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
