Even if the story isn't factual, this is a very peculiar experience. One that I have watched others play before in my grade school years. At the time I was too young to even understand what was the point or message behind all of this, but now I'm glad that I've revisited it when I've grown up so much from then.

The Beginner's Guide is a walking simulator that really scratches an odd itch of mine; a love for the making of games. The engines, the techniques used, how developers work around their limitations and how everything comes together when it's time to go retail... I know I'm not the only one into this, but we're surely not the majority.

This game, to put it simply, it's the psychology of one isolating person put through the Source engine as the form of .bsp files, the Life and Times of Coda, and a story that you must piece together through and with the company of one of The Stanley Parable's creator, Davey Wreden. In an adventure of talking about game creation as a form or art medium, and the consequences that this one could lead to at any moment's notice. And that, just that alone is honestly a selling point for me, it's an interesting form of storytelling that I haven't seen any other game do ever, really.

I'll probably go around looking for actual answers and digging deeper now as part of my refreshment, but there's to say that this is a very interesting story and that I'm sort of glad this game exists even if it's not that great respecting a lot of other walking simulators out there.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
