This game is a finally true evolution of the franchise, it's on a completely new platform and some vital part of how the games were structured so far has changed a lot actually, adding things like character dialog and introduction of new characters, a shop system and even improving on the collectibles side with a bit of backtracking required for some abilities to use in the mid-game that's not really bothersome and time wasting compared to Mega Man 3. It's a very needed new breath of fresh air for the series and it really shows compared to its predecessors.

Technicality wise, with the game being on a new platform it uses this to the max, features fluid animation and detailed sprite work, coupled with some tracks that I guess use the new soundchip better but weren't that remarkable still.

And that's a segue to the fact that I don't think the bosses are too remarkable in this one, and can even be nervewracking at times, since they were made to either just fall flat after figuring out a strategy, or just completely waste your health, be damage sponges, for you to just tank through them with Energy Tanks or just require absolute precision to beat these when a weapon depletes its energy, and with that I wish they would've just upped the amount of energy or drops you get from enemies because damn do these deplete fast, and that with the fact that they are a good and varied cast of powers you can use didn't really alert me to use them so often, glad there's hot-swapping between them now though.

So overall, a nice game, I was rather skeptical about it because the looks of it didn't have me at all but they kinda grew on me after a bit, I do still think that most SNES games look gigantic compared to the simpler sprites and that's a recurring thing with them but it didn't bother me here, specially when everything was so big you could just annihilate it with a fully charged Buster. This one truly deserves to be high up with the good Classic Mega Man games.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2023
