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Twinsanity is a significant step up from TT’s previous effort, that being Wrath of Cortex. Instead of trying to ape off elements from Crash Bandicoot Warped, they decided to take a new approach to the Crash formula and adapt it into an open world platformer akin to Jak and Daxter. It does retain some classic elements from Crash 1, but also goes the extra mile to add in 2 playable characters, a large number of cutscenes and bosses, and some really neat secrets and puzzle elements.

The soundtrack is also the most unique in the entire series as it’s composed entirely of acapella music by Spiralmouth, and they all sound great.

That being said, for as good as this game is, it’s extremely obvious that this game was rushed out the door. For starters, the game’s story feels like it’s rushing itself along. This is evident with most characters like Coco, the mask brothers, N. Gin, N. Brio and N. Tropy all being one and done characters only getting a few seconds of screen-time at most before disappearing from the game forever. The game is incredibly short too with only 16 areas, some of them are incredibly short too. Lastly, the game can sometimes feel rather unpolished, like if they didn’t get to finish play-testing the game. A lot of instances where you’ll be dying from some roughly designed areas or making easy unintended shortcuts.

There is a hefty amount of concept art to be unlocked by collecting gems, and 90% of it is cut content that we never got to see. It’s a real shame the game didn’t get enough development time. There was also a GameCube port planned but that was also scrapped as well.

Despite how rough around the edges this game is, I still recommend getting it. It’s not too expensive online, and while it is a short game, the time I had with it was very good. Would I consider it one of the best Crash games? Not really.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2022
