Downplayed for no real reason, yes the static camera is a bit finicky but it also allows for some really interesting levels. The powerups here are all really fun to use, especially the cat and tanooki which can be utilised for faster and more unique movement options. I find this game shines towards the end though, particularly the final level which might be my favourite out of all the Mario games - the atmosphere and tension it creates with the looming thunderstorm is epic, and Bowser using the cat powerup was a surprise, but a welcome one. The extra levels are all really good but damn are they difficult, obviously the hardest being Champions Road which I'm still yet to beat. I also love how this game puts a larger focus on multiplayer, the greatest moments come from playing with friends or family and it also adds an extra layer of difficulty, something I find the other games lack and it's a shame. Overall, this game is just a fun time from the start to the end, nothing too special but its also not necessarily got many negative points, which for me is the definition of a “good” game.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
