This game is rough. I even got stuck when the spider mech got caught on some terrain and I had to restart that level. Performance is not ideal, but I stayed for the dinos. The end boss was honestly pretty fun, but I'm not surprised this essentially ended the franchise.

This game is not for the faint of heart. It is seriously challenging even on normal difficulty. Granted I'm not exceptionally gifted at this genre, but I consider myself decent and I was really only able to beat it by completing it in co-op. Which having co-op is a big plus. Trying to run through levels shooting dinosaurs, demons, and aliens with a friend as fast as possible is always a good time.

It is incredibly broken on the ps3, and the last level is not even beatable unless you have memorized the QTE buttons because the game doesn't register the time allowed for button presses correctly from when it's shown to when you press them, no matter how fast you go.
It did give us the "I'm going to die" meme though, so I couldn't give it 1 star.

After enjoying two steamworld games in a row, I went for the trifecta. And to be fair I was enjoying this one until the very end. The whole game I felt like the difficulty and levels scaled along with my characters nicely, but the last level had a MASSIVE level spike I wasn't prepared for, and didn't really want to grind for since I felt so far behind where I was supposed to be. I was getting wrecked.

Another stadia game I tried on my free trial, and I was not expecting a 2d squad based tactical game. I enjoyed it a lot though, and bouncing bullets around the ship to get some sick kills made it a fun time. Challenging, but not unnecessarily so.

I enjoy playing puzzle games with friends and family so I had an enjoyable time with this one. The mysteriousness of the story definitely lent itself to my intrigue, but the puzzles felt like a good challenge even just by themselves.

Unfortunately after having just beaten "the dark descent", I was excited to go right into this one. It felt incredibly different though, and not in a good way. The puzzles felt pretty easy, the monsters were shown pretty early so the uneasy fear of the unknown from the first game was lost, and it also felt really short.

A classic. Me and my friend stayed up one night at a sleep over and were too scared to beat it, so I had to play with my sibling later. Obviously if you get stuck on a section the initial fear of the creature gives way to annoyance, but it's a horror game there's really no way to remedy that.
I was playing this years later after it had come out even, and it was still scary, mysterious, and fun to explore.

Was one of the few games on stadia when they gave me three months free, and I'm glad I tried it. Never played the first one so I can't speak to upgrades or anything, but this was a super fun game. Addicting to just dig and explore, and getting to a new boss and beating it always felt like an accomplishment.


I was bribed with three free months of stadia by google, so I figured I'd try one of their exclusives. Maybe this was just not my type of game, but I had a hard time finding much I liked about it. The stealth didn't feel too great, the story seemed pretty thin, and the voice-acting was even a bit iffy.

Fair warning, the graphics are pretty atrocious. It's hard to see what's going on. But it's still an open world game for the GBA and that in itself is impressive. The game has some BRUTAL levels though, and it took me growing up and becoming better at video games before I could beat it. Surprisingly short, but man did this game make car rides as a kid fun.

It's a platinum game, you're in an armored suit sliding around shooting mechs. If that doesn't sound fun, it's not for you. If it does sound fun, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

They hadn't nailed the web-swinging quite yet, so it feels a bit stiff. Also being relegated to only the rooftops was still in effect at this time, and it feels pretty weird going back to that. It's still fun though, and being able to unlock the green goblin was a great touch.

The first spiderman game to really nail the web-slinging and it still feels great. The story is fun, and tons of classic characters show up. The only really annoying thing holding it back is that in order to rank up, you have to do side missions. And if you're doing side missions, you're doing a LOT of the same ones over and over.

I know this is the quintessential spider man game for most fans, but it fell a bit short for me. A bit repetitive in terms of fighting and missions, but the graphics and story are fun. I was a little disappointed because playing as venom felt pretty limited, but it's one of the few games that lets you play as him at all. The johnny storm races were excruciating though, and I couldn't bring myself to do them all.