Astonishing. This is an insult of an lotr game. Combat feels like utter dogshit , there is no blood or gore at all, the enemies just ragdoll once they have been killed. There is a fucking mage class that anyone can just pick and thus there are dozens of mages in a match. WHO THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA. If they made the mage class a hero pick I would not even complain about it but there are so many mages in a match that it feels not like lotr what so ever. Then there are the scouts that turn invisible... I do not remember invisible units in the movies but maybe that is just because they were invisible the whole time. Playing as an archer sucks as well as the arrows do nearly no damage, headshots do no extra damage, the arrows do not stick in the enemy, they just vanish and the arrow options you have make no sense as well. Then there is the warrior class that can turn their sword into a flaming sword at any time... I am just gonna stop here and will not ever again waste a tought about this game.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2023
