Why do we continually find ourselves drawn to the Resident Evil series? What enduring qualities does this franchise possess that make it withstand the test of time, earning widespread acclaim for both new titles and remakes in recent times? While it's true that not every entry in the series has garnered universal acclaim, the franchise finds itself in a robust state today. Why is that?

These questions nagged at me as I found myself laughing at the conclusion of the Resident Evil 2 remake. It sparked a reflection on the storyline, making me realize that there's more to our love for it than just the plot. I believe the answer is rooted in a couple of things. Primarily our sense of discovery. There is nothing more exciting than unlocking the secrets of each room. Survival, immersed in impenetrable darkness, propels us to grope our way through, searching for an escape. Additionally, the game's brilliance lies in the meticulous combination of items in our inventory. No other game has compelled me to be so diligent in arranging and utilizing items to navigate challenges.

Besides all that, there's more I can point out - like the puzzles, the awesome look of the remake, and that intense atmosphere. But what really makes this franchise shine for me is not the tangled story or the one-dimensional characters. It's that thrill of discovery, the survival instinct, and the clever resource combining. Oh, and one more thing that always gets me – they're short. Short and sweet, just the way I like it.

P.S: By the way, I accidentally breezed through this game in assisted mode and ended up with a C rating like a total noob. It took me a whopping 12 hours just for Leon's storyline. Please, let's keep this between us.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
