I have for my entire life been right next to the Canadian Rookies. Camped in them, driven through them with other and by myself, flown a Cessna right along them, you get the point. I can not in any way imagine my life without being within reasonable driving distance to such great beauty. So when I booted up Firewatch, and saw the insane level of detail and fidelity that this game was able to capture, I was aw-struck. Everything from the shades of grass, to the perfect representation of how forest fire smoke reacts with light to make that terrifying but beautiful and oh too familiar shade. It was perfect just how the developers where able to capture the world that they wanted their game to take place in. However, it would be ignorant of myself to not bring up the faults of the story at certain instances. As while I believe overall, and especially the ending where well put together and satisfying; a lot of the mid game story leans towards a direction that I did not feel was particularly in the best interest of the game. I try not to go into spoilers here, so its hard to explain just what I did not like without doing so. But its just gets kind of cliche, or off track? If you get what I am saying. Nevertheless however, I believe everything else about this game to have been developed in such a way, the faltered story elements become very much lost in the overall ending and world of Firewatch. Being very much a walking simulator it might not be for everyone, but I do still recommend it based on quality alone.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
