I like to look at reviews before I play a game, then contrast what people say to what I experience to develop a better understand of perception towards mechanics and such. Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a game I saw mid reviews relating too, soo I was expect mediocrity, but what I got instead was something that on the surface seemed amazing. The gameplay of course is impeccable and develops quite well; making ever ship more or less their own puzzles. The story I also enjoyed, although lots say is "cringe" or "distracting" I found it to supplement the game play quite well. While also offering an interesting commentary on real world happenings, while staying in line with the world and plot of the game. Near the end it drops off, with the last story beat feeing rushed, and or poorly written compared to the rest of the game. Which is really my only complaint, that being the entire handling of the end of the game. Because while everything is fairly good, I think the developers simply tried to stretch is further then it had any right to be. As in, if the story had ended like a three hours earlier I would have been happy. But it really just feels like filler once you pass a high enough rank to have unlooked all ships, developed a high understand of the mechanics, and seen all the story really wants to tell. Overall though, its a fun game, a game that not all will want to sit with through to the end, but a game that they will enjoy playing up to a point, or of and on as a very well made puzzle game.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
