This game is hella good, I had a blast playing it. The game has none to little handholding during the whole experience which might be a negative for some but a positive to others. Personally I much prefer the "figure it tf out" type of game instead of the "here are 20 objective markers, do them" type of game. And System Shock does it so well that I had to google one thing(you really could have provided me with more info there game. PS: it's the reactor core code thingey).

Now I never played the original so I can't really compare much there, all I can say about this game is:
-Awesome Artstyle
-Beautiful Graphics
-Good intricate designed levels
-Many many secrets
-Okayish combat(it does its job but it's no doom)
-Mild horror elements
-Very nice story

This was a unique and great experience, the only downsides I really have are: inventory space is limited, some difficulty spikes and some maze-like parts in certain levels. It is a faithful remake and a damn amazing one at that.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2023
