I've only recently found siactro's work, this being my second game after macbat 64, and I adore their style. I've always wanted to see more indie games take inspiration from the N64 and PS1 era, since 8/16/32-bit games have been the norm for a while in terms of nostalgia-based graphic styles. In that sense, this game is one of the best, with an exceedingly charming art style and extremely pretty levels.

Each one has its own distinct feel and builds on new ideas that are executed well by the final level.

The character designs are also top notch, Macbat is a real cutie but Toree himself is great, he's just a little guy with shades, who wants his ice cream back. This brings me to something I really like about Siactro's games, the weird shit they put in. The villain is this neon, glitchy reaper that has a never-ending smile on its face, and you can usually just find it chilling around stages. It doesn't even have a name or motive which is honestly really fucking cool.

I'll come back to this later, I have more to say but I'm not sure how to say it.

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2021
