While Deltarune chapter 1 set the stage and began establishing a lot of interesting thematic ties back to Undertale to make it feel like an extremely nuanced beginning to something much greater, Chapter 2 managed to do something even more significant. This significant thing was simply, being an incredible game that improved on almost every front from the first entry to the point where I'm genuinely predicting the full thing to be an even better experience than Undertale itself. It feels like Toby Fox took the aesthetic that he built upon in previous entries and then amplified it by an insane amount, whether it's with the hilarious characters, bringing in every miniscule opportunity to bring out more humour and development to something, and even some really dark themes as well.

I feel like most of what I said about chapter 1 applies here, but it just is on a much larger scale, with more incredible setpieces and an even more compelling theme to the setting. The additions to the cast are welcome across the board, with some of the more prominent ones being especially interesting in how they fit the dynamic of everything else. More worldbuilding is also incorporated in a smooth way that gives some sense of idea of where the story will go from here, and once again there are even some darker, more surreal elements that really make everything feel to be not quite as it seems again. This is particularly clear with a certain piece of optional content that takes all the weird quirkiness up to the max an mixes it with a gleefully demented set of overtones and a badass piece of music to go along with it. While this review is far less in depth and nuanced in terms of what I feel this game represents with its finer details, a lot of that simply comes down to the fact that it would be practically impossible to say anything about it without dropping some massive spoilers in one way or another, so I'll leave it here at least for the time being.

Basically, if you liked Undertale, play Deltarune, if you haven't played Undertale, play it and then play Deltarune! chapter 2 has immediately justified any hype I had in this and is potentially even going to end up being a more impressive game at the rate things are going. Good enough that I ended up finishing basically everything this had to offer in one sitting, which is something that's been happening increasingly rarely, but hey, that just raises the value of this particular one sitting completion after all.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2021
