12 Reviews liked by KetamineEnjoyer

I fucking love vehicular manslaughter

Three years of being the designated driver in squads has finally paid off

this game is great if you ignore the fact its complete and utter dogshit

--> buy game.
--> play game.
--> join a lobby with spanish people.
--> get called racial slurs.
--> leave lobby.
--> join another one.
--> have probably the most fun you had in your life.
--> fuck it. Lethal company is better

Vega Baja de Alicante Simulator

tenía mucho lag así que ha sido como jugar siendo ladillo

le habria dado media estrella mas si norda no hubiera tenido lag

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nice graphics and sound (Yamaoka on point), but the dialogues/texts were eeeehh, and the mc being so sad over likes/followers was also kinda eeehh (even tho it's an issue for many people). also the final chase was the absolute worst having to find the 5 pieces in that maze while the creature teleports at will. can't really complain about the message tho

i really hope the teased Silent Hill F doesn't go down this route of walking sim with chases. as someone else said, if you want to play a highschool silent hill inspired (in atmosphere) game go play Detention asap

los niveles de los pingüinos eran literalmente metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty

this is literally the worst season fortnite has ever made. Wich one am I talking about? any of them, each season it gets worst, thank god this is the last one (@KawRejsGoms destroyed the epic games headquarters with a banana) (read his review for a better understanding)

Es lo mas parecido a jugar las fantasias que tenia de pequeño sobre encontrar pasadizos secretos en mi casa y me ha conectado con sensaciones que se encontraban polvorientas en los desvanes de mi mente. A veces es obtuso y difícil de saber que es lo que se supone que tienes que hacer hasta el punto de ser bastante molesto y un simulador de estar to perdio por ahí dándole a la tecla "e" pero aún así tiene mucho mérito hacer esto con el motor de Doom y por lo general me parece una experiencia única con momentos increíbles. Por no hablar de todo lo que hay detrás del mod que es tan interesante como el propio mod, recomiendo investigar al respecto.