Bright, colorful, inventive, and enjoyably surprising. Frequently whilst playing I found myself being surprised by whatever Wonder Effects took place, which provided that quick hit of nostalgia-ridden dopamine reminiscent of my childhood.
I played the game with my partner, who is not an active gamer and typically struggles with more complex games, but they were able to understand and enjoy whatever surprises came around the corner. This game came off as introduction-friendly while bringing enough challenge and creativity to keep more experienced players interested.
The only major negative is the boss fights, as many others have mentioned. There are only two bosses, with one repeated multiple times with almost identical strategies throughout. Additionally, the final boss lacks a challenge even for novice players, leaving it to be more tedious than rewarding.
All in all, a fantastic game with creative ideas that both the experienced and unexperienced will enjoy, as well with polished gameplay that is satisfying to play and experiment with.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
