I'll be honest, I didn't enjoy the game as much as I wish I did. It was very good at making me rage though. The platforming, on the surface level, is fantastic, with different maneuvers to make the traversal enjoyable, but the level design isn't always good at guiding you, and the mechanics don't feel as polished as they should be. For instance, I wished Faith would grab onto ledges more, because it can be easy to miss the jump and just fall to your doom. C'mon Faith, you should know better jumping from roof to roof. There were also times where the wall climbing didn’t register when I wanted to climb up somewhere, or I got caught onto geometry and started wall sliding when I didn't want to. The annoyances started from the very beginning at the tutorial, where you’re instructed to do a wall jump by doing a 180. In fairness, the move itself is fine, and I don’t remember having any issues with it past the tutorial. However, failing the trick had me rewatch the tutorial cutscene over and over, and it just bothered me. However, the game also introduces the combat, which in my opinion is little fun. Maybe I made the game worse to myself, because I refused to shoot people after taking their guns, as I wanted to be as pacifist as possible, but in the last level, the encounters started pissing me so much that I decided to start shooting people. Still, the window when you can disarm the enemy can be very strict, and the enemy can stagger you, after which you’ll perish quickly. The encounter with the agile person who kept jumping and sliding at you and blocking your attacks also wasn’t very fun, because it felt like a war of attrition, trying to get that window where you can disarm them. Oh, and there was also one quick time event where another guy jumps at you with a pipe, and failing it also felt like a time waste. I think the game should have focused purely on platforming aspect and polishing the mechanics and level design. The game is filled with little annoyances and trial-and-error design, turning it into a mediocre experience (not too dissimilar to Half-Life, a title beloved by many, but I personally am not very fond of).

However, there are some aspects that I do enjoy. I like the somewhat minimalistic graphics, with buildings being primarily white, some areas colored blue and red color used to hint at objects that can be used for a way forward with Runner’s vision (or whats-it). Now, the game is pretty ancient at this point, so I had to fix the physics of the game lagging the game horrendously by updating NVIDIA’s PhysX and changing a few files. Even then, the game did lag on occasion, and I’m not sure why. Still, the game does look visually pleasing. The music is pretty good. I also like the animated cutscenes, again, the artstyle looks interesting, though certain things like Faith’s running animation in one of those can look weird.

Overall, I wish I could say I liked Mirror’s Edge and it holds well, but it annoyed me so much that I wanted it to end. I’m actually thankful for its relatively short run time so I could get it off my disc space. Again, it could be that I made some things harder, skill issue or whatever, but the game just didn’t feel quite as polished or fun as it should’ve been.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
