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2 days

Last played

June 7, 2016

First played

September 7, 2015

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back in high school, my AP composition and language class was among the easiest A's I ever earned. we wrote essays maybe once monthly, answered comprehension questions for books I had already read, and read from a book about syntax extremely occasionally. what I'm saying is: there was a lot of downtime. somebody must have thought we sixteen year olds would better osmose the material if we had days of nothing in between. and you know what, maybe they were right! I'm sitting here now, six years later, writing words in the English language; I must have taken more away from that class than I did pre-calculus.

for the entire year, there sat a cart full of school laptops at the front of the classroom. I don't know how or why they never left. teachers at my high school were supposed to reserve the carts for a day at a time. we didn't have that many carts! I suppose Mrs. Comp and Lang used her argumentative prowess to secure their long-term home. in any case, we were supposed to use the computers to... write? I guess? google historically important essays, and rub our chins in admiration of their stirring prose? feed our few free clicks to pay-gated online publications? well, we rarely did any of that. we played instead. every single day.

four friends and I arranged our desks into a row in the back of the classroom, turned in any homework from the night before, and unless it was a blue-moon-adjacent day of planned academic enrichment, we all logged on and embiggened our cultures for the full class period. my username was always "peenboi". if ever you had fifteen minutes of microbial growth gobbled up by a big dot named "peenboi", that was me, and I'm not sorry. it was more fun than reading the opinion section of the New Yorker.