The premise is quite simple but somewhat catchy.
The backgrounds are very pleasing to the eye, especially for its time.
The controls are atrociously unreliable, I cant imagine getting far without rewindable save states. (big yay for NSO)
The cats are a bloody damned headache.
After completing six cities the game loops over so I’ve seen all that it has to offer.
In conclusion, quite a mid one.

PowerUp London on a Binatone TV Color Game


PowerUp London on a Binatone TV Color Game

Beat the first variant (out of 3, so basically the tutorial level) on Atari50 without having to study the manual or google so I'd say it's not as obtuse as some people think shrug

An interesting versus experience with Marto. It was weird, I kind of liked it. Also I lost.

Lovely versus with Marto. He won on Easy, I won the rest B)

Took forever to figure out how to play this but the idea is charming. If only it wasn't so damn fast

Damned missable locations!