This game isn't perfect but goddamn do I love it, yes it has that small Ubisoft open world stink, yes I don't love where they've taken the series following Origins but wow did this just click for me.

Exploring the open world of Ancient Egypt tomb by tomb, pyramid by pyramid felt incredible. The love put in to designing the world itself is so captivating if you have any sort of interest in the worlds of ancient Egypt.

This game doesn't have the most robust RPG system ever, in fact its really shallow barring an OK skill tree. The combat while fun is not amazing, fortunately theres different weapon and arrow types to keep it from feeling super repetitive. The whole idea that you're softlocked behind main missions because of the XP system is super annoying (albeit I didn't struggle too much with this as I actively explored the world doing things every chance I took)

There's even more things I could add that should probably sour my taste on this game as a whole, but despite all that I haven't played many games that gave me the ooh and ahh factor quite as much as this, whether that's scaling the great pyramid, coming across and exploring the tomb under the sphinx, or even just fighting giant war elephants.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
