its literally just dark souls but 2d. its still actually fun, unlike dark souls, but very overinspired? is that a thing?
apparently this was in demon souls too but im gonna voice a complaint about an absolutely STUPID mechanic
theres an npc in the main hub area that tells you about the world and the people in the hub, and as you progress you meet more people who go to the hub. however, a lot of people there start dying, and that guy is the one who warns you about it. soon it gets to the point that they die before you can even use them as vendors, and you realize this npc has been killing them. ofc you kill him back, but it wont undo the locking you out of learning useful skills.
core gameplay is fine enough, its not really hard but then again neither is dork souls. very OK soulsvania, id recommend blasphemous a lot more, and so far ender lillies isnt too shabby either.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2021
