i REALLY enjoyed this game

STORY: not the main appeal but its nice, i honestly didnt really read many of the writings that you find around the map but its not like super story heavy youre just a priestess tryna undo all the bad that happened to the world with ghosts helping you. adds to the dark visuals ig
VISUALS: i loved it. every characters design was good, and the enemies had a lot of sovl to their designs. backgrounds were pretty and animations were really smooth. literally turned it to 1/4 speed at one point in cheat engine just to see all of it in detail (and because there was this one secret that required pixel perfection lol)
AUDIO: very good. i wouldnt call any tracks memorable enough to pay more than like 3 dollars for the ost (seriously, 15 bucks????) but i never wanted to take my headphones off. sound fx are solid.
GAMEPLAY: definitely the best part of the game. your attacks being disjointed from your character adds a little bit more strategy as to when to use them. the main weapon i used was the viking guy who fucked up every enemy he came across, albeit slowly. i did not use all spirits but my 2 builds were viking guy, axe teleporter guy, projectile boss for the first and main guy, raven, spear guy for the second set. i really liked how the map was done, rooms are connected by a line instead of being all clumped together which allowed for rooms to feel more like their own spaces. there wasnt really a grind, despite what some reviews may say. i got to max level without doing anything special, just looking through every room i was missing something in when i got something i thought could help me find it. another thing i really liked about the map is that when you get all the collectables, it glows orange instead of blue. only issue with this is the final boss room is exempt from this rule (unmarked spoiler oh nooo)


Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022
