started and finished in same day.
very momodora-esque, but it flops at a lot of parts. i dont really mind the difficulty, it rarely felt cheap, but a lot of my issues stem from other areas.
the map is ass. no two ways about it. there are a ton of gaps in it, and there are so many areas that you just cant get back through when backtracking, because theyre just drops or require you to jump higher than you possibly can.
the save system kinda sucks, but the reason i got the bad ending is on me. i got the holy sword and then started going back to the chests because it was ok to get them at that point. i died, but i guess i realized i forgot to save because i opened a few without it registering that i got the holy sword, and ended up getting the bad end. pissed me off, but its my fault. however the autosaves dont let you go back through them unless you use a portal, meaning that you can lose a ton of progress backtracking because theres no save points and the statues were all checked.
game length is ok, not a huge complaint, about the size i expected
the story sucked, plain and simple, but thats rarely the point of interest in these.
the combat i have a few issues with. saving doesnt restore hp or mp, meaning that youre pretty much forced to use the item that decreases your max hp unless you feel like using a bunch of items you cant afford. money does not come easy, and the prices youre paying are pretty exorbitant. your dodge doesnt go very far and leaves you vulnerable for too long afterwards. bosses are just trial and error, the only one i had any real trouble with being the bug archer lady.
overall though, i still think i had fun. it was a nice game to spend my skip day on, but i kind of wish i had spent it doing something more productive, haha.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022
