and that was the trails in the sky trilogy

holy SHIT this was amazing. im gonna do actual reviews on all 3, because this is when the liberl arc actually ends, and my reviews on the first 2 were jokes

in trails in the sky FC you can definitely feel the first game syndrome (shut up about legend of heroes), whether it be through the more limited combat, the forced parties, or the purposely incomplete story. it was still very enjoyable, the combat system reminds me a lot of one of my favorite jrpgs (trails 3rd is #1 now holy shit) Live a Live (woah squares in a jrpg???) and the story is really cute. the coup was cool, and i loved the intelligence division as villains.
in SC they were determined to make the combat so much better, and the story is now on the cool half. the combat in SC is a lot more engaging, i felt myself strategizing and actually using non s-crafts. i loved how no matter who your team was (in most cases) you felt like you made the "canon" team.
however, this combat system managed to get even better in 3rd. 3rd is absolutely fantastic. kevin was a super interesting character, and was even better in the lead position. ries is a fantastic partner, and i loved both the new party members as well (not spoiling). the combat was amazing, i think making 100 atk/def barely anything at all is really interesting esp because 20 in SC made all the difference in the world. kloe actually has a str stat now wtf. the bosses in this game are almost all some of my favorite boss fights in jrpgs, and each one made me think about my strategy multiple times.
however my main complaint about the game is the party members, and just the sheer number of them. in the beginning of the game you get tita and julia. an aoe beast and a good finisher. then you get mueller, who does pretty much exactly what julia did. over time you find more characters from SC that are like, yeah theyre a part of the cast. they are the legends of heroes: trails in the sky the 3rd. but like, i dont think i ever once used Zin, Agate, Mueller, Olivier, Josette, or Julia after i got Kloe. i only used estelle and joshua because i was forced to, but at the end of the game i pretty much exclusively used kevin ries and the new 2. admittedly, theyre both overpowered, but it also has to do with the fact that the story seems to involve them the most, and theyre pretty much the most important ones. making me actually USE everyone in the end and having to grind them all and then throw random orbments onto them got kinda annoying cause i only have so much sepith without having to grind. sure zin, you can have defense 2.
however, the end result of my grinding was more than worth it. almost all of the bosses are great, and even the struggle bus characters managed to do pretty well when i remembered how to think.

TL;DR: trails in the sky the 3rd is absolutely amazing, and the rest of sky is good too! lots of characters and things to do in this game.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2022
