This game made improvements that I wouldn't expect from a No More Heroes game, for example these are the best regular encounters in the whole series. They didn't have to do that because I don't particularly play these games for the combat but it was a welcome addition and worked out well even if the arenas themselves get a little plain, there is a surprising amount of encounter design and I like all the secret little encounters you can find like Space Sheath.

The map doesn't feel as cohesive as the first game but I do think it's trying to communicate something, there's definitely a theme of gentrification with the rundown Santa Destroy, the beautiful but nostalgia driven "Perfect World" and even Neo Brazil housing a huge stadium seemingly evoking the Brazil Olympics discussion.

The plot itself is the Achilles heel. It's a little nonsensical and I usually wouldn't hold that against a game too much, I think the first game did a good job at communicating a sense of growth and understanding in Travis through the ridiculous situations. This games plot is more "WHOA CRAZY SHIT KAMEN RIDER TAKESHI MIIKE WAHOO WACKY ALIENS" and sometimes it feels like just shit is happening.

But it's hard for me to entirely hate that because this is clearly the last No More Heroes game. They wanted to go balls out and they did, no regrets. It's still a game where I can't guess what'll happen next and that gives it a lotta points for me.

I know some of the fans disagree but I think something that can't be denied is that in spite of the technical issues and obvious unfinished content, this game feels to me like a lot of effort was put into it.

The Miike cutscenes are fine, don't be a bitch. Travis is the exact kinda guy to drone off about one guy like that, and we get to see a more normal down to Earth side of him which is good.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2022
