2 reviews liked by KingOverdose

I really should've looked more closely at what this game actually is... I saw cards and a couple of screenshot and assumed new roguelite deckbuilder, but it's not really that. It's more like a form of Memory where you flip over cards and they're either zombies or gear and you either get lucky and flip gear before zombies (so you can use the gear to kill the zombie since it attacks you if you flip any other cards while it's active) or you don't and die. There is some very light strategy, though mostly luck-based, in deciding if you want to flip more cards or move on, but this game is overall far too simplistic to be any real fun for anyone old enough to enjoy a zombie game.

(Played on PS4. Wish Backloggd was better about scraping new release data from Nintendo and Sony, like for example PSPrices does.)

This game has such an addicting loop for card game fans and I just wish another game would capture that