I covered this game as part of my coverage of the Xbox Game Pass for May 2022

Trying to get that pronunciation right, but this is a fantastic game.

Eiyuden Chronicles is a side-scrolling RPG, where players will fight different enemies, collect their loot and then return to town to distribute it to different quests and use it for crafting. It’s a great game, and the controls here feel very smooth. The writing is engaging, and while the game starts off making it seem like the entire game is trying to earn a mining license before long the story leads the players to mines and gives them free rein to explore, take on different tasks, and even partner with different characters.

A majority of tasks in Eiyuden Chronicle also help build up the town and unlock different businesses to interact with, so as the player progresses, they’re also building up the surrounding locations. It’s a great way to allow players to feel a part of the progression of the game. The combat reminds me a bit of the Tales Series, with more of a focus on a standard beat 'em up or side-scrolling platformer, but there are strong RPG elements in here as well.

Pick this up if you like side-scrolling platformers, that’s really what this game is at its core. This was kickstarted, but the main developers' previous games Suikoden 1 and 2 are excellent, and Eiyuden feels like it’s a smaller experience but will live up to the legacy. I definitely will return to play more of this.

If you want to see the video this was taken of, or more from me on the Xbox Game Pass, check out: https://youtu.be/62CjXwS1zQg

Reviewed on May 25, 2022
