This game does an especially great job of capturing the dread of Resident Evil. Just walking around the R.P.D hoping that I would not get ambushed by a bunch of zombies, a licker, or Mr. X when could hear his gigantic footsteps. And sometimes causing my own suffering by going into a room I left a bunch of zombies in and forgot about them just to get reminded instantly of their existence.
The gameplay is fantastic, controlling Leon and Claire feels amazing, and the movement is great which gives a big boost to the gameplay when it comes to outmaneuvering the zombies. The puzzles were never frustrating or overtly complicated, the longest puzzle being an extension of exploring an entire area for yourself.
The sound design of the enemies themselves is great, I never got threatened by seeing a single zombie but hearing their snarls and cries still unnerved me, the croaks of the "Ivy" enemies were just terrifying along with their accompanying theme.
Ambient horror tracks are once again used to great effect just like the first game's remake, the ambience of the Umbrella Lap was especially great, even when nothing was happening I felt like a licker would jump out any moment.
The scares in this game were incredibly effective, a licker bursting through a window on Claire's route made me pause the game from how sudden it was, a zombie bashing against a window, every Cerberus being alerted in the basement of the R.P.D was especially anxiety-inducing.
Mr. X is also really as great as they say, hearing his footsteps already puts you in an extremely nervous feeling, and hearing his chase music while not knowing where he's coming from has got to be one of the most nerve-wracking things to ever happen in this game.
The only drawback is I feel that Mr X wasn't as used as much as he could've been in both play routes, but I feel like him chasing you the entire game would've definitely gotten annoying. Ada's segment is fun, but her tracing the electronics was not my cup of tea.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
