This game is too overhyped. I was really disappointed after years and years of hearing that it's the best game of all time.
Story is good only for like 1/3 of the entire game (And it's not consecutive, so you can get 1 good and even memorable quest followed by 4-5 boring ones), with a lot of really strange decisions (especially in the end). Side quests are boring, except for maybe one.
Movement at times feels really clunky and unresponsive.
Combat is a disaster. If enemy can't heal itself, it's just a matter of time when you kill it because the patterns are too simple. On level 2 or 3 i was able to kill several level 30 wyverns (And got little to no exp from it btw, so it was pointless).
Open world is okay, but besides question marks there is nothing to do. I've cleared all question marks as soon as i could do it (except the ones, where enemies healed themselves more than i dealt damage).
In the end, for me The Witcher 3 turned out to be worse than the first Witcher. Despite it's flaws, it was okay for one time, but i definitely dont want to replay it anytime soon

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023


11 months ago

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