Similar to my Death Stranding review, a significant portion of this entry will be devoted to arguing against much of the backlash this game has unjustly received. In those sections, there will be heavy spoilers but a fair warning in advance will be given.

Several years since the release of the first game, and about the same amount of time passed within the game, Part II feels as though it picks up right where the first one ended. While there are some fragmented pieces that the story fills in little at a time to cover that gap, the entire basis of this second game is to address the consequences of how the first one came to a close. That particular climatic event put the wheels in motion of a fire and brimstone carriage, carrying vengeance along its path, and destruction in its wake. Revenge tales can often feel like standard fare, given how often such tropes are utilized. Yet, when done correctly, or at least in a way to where revenge is not necessarily the focal point or theme of the story, but rather a byproduct, these types of plots can be incredibly engaging. The idea of revenge is a staple in almost all of Shakespeare’s tragedies, namely Hamlet, and has since been a popular character arc to respond to. One must look deeper, past the literal act of revenge which is superficial in itself, and question all other motivations and consequences that lead up to and endure after the fact.

The Last of Us Part II continues the trend of its predecessor in pushing the moral boundaries of its player base. The game never allows the player to remain comfortable with a character for too long, and paints them all in a grayish light. In this world, good and evil are commodities of the past, and while every human group yearns to regain said humanity, survival always comes first. Characters are forced to do unspeakable acts to survive as is par the course in any apocalyptic setting. However, The Last of Us games in particular, that abandonment of morals is analyzed through the emotional torment of its characters. They sometimes struggle with the consequences of their actions, while others not so much or at a later time through the form of PTSD. The sequel, like the original, are both incredibly genuine in this aspect, and their characters are some of the most realistic ever written for a video game. These are the aspects where the game’s story excels.

Where it falters, in my opinion, is not being able to differentiate itself from its precursor. It is too similar to the first game, even with the introduction of Abby and Lev, we see another similar character duo arc to that of Joel and Ellie’s. To compare, Red Dead Redemption 2, while being a prequel rather than sequel, was able to become its own beast altogether, with minimal remembrance to the previous game until extremely later on. This complaint is minor but it does prevent me from truly recognizing it as a work separate from the first. The two are just destined to go hand in hand, and that is not always a bad thing.

As far as similarities go, the mechanics in this game are pretty much identical to the original with only a few tweaks. Perhaps, it is one of those cases of if it is not broken then don’t fix it, but what was once revolutionary in 2013, is not the case in 2020. Which again as I reiterate, is not necessarily a bad thing. The gameplay is beautiful and it lives up to its reveal footage with cutscenes seamlessly transitioning into gameplay undetected. The graphics are a marvel to behold, and the game moves so fluidly. As many others have stated before me, the attention to detail here is really unheralded among its contemporaries, and the music is somberly fitting. In the case of all of the above aforementioned aspects, the game is truly a technical masterpiece. Aside from the lack of originality in its inability to separate itself from the first entry, it being slightly bloated/overlong, and a few plot devices that could have used some work (I’ll explain more soon), the game as a whole would have been a masterpiece.

Now onto Spoilers…. so be warned, SPOILERS ahead…

While completely dismissing any negativity revolving around Ellie’s sexual orientation or Lev’s gender identity (as bigotry is not a legitimate form of criticism), the majority of upset and outright enraged fans denouncing the game is due to the early death of the first game’s main playable character Joel, and the inclusion of a new playable character Abby who is responsible for the aforementioned death. However, the reasoning behind these two complaints feels contradictory and why I feel the need to address such.

My first issue comes from the hero worshiping of Joel. Now, I admit, I like Joel too, as much as the next person, and that is mostly due to how great the character writing and voice acting skills in these games are. The sheer fact that Joel who was a dick to Ellie the majority of the first game, and became a complete villain by the end, still garners admiration from fans is a testament to the complexity and realism displayed within these characters and the world they inhabit. I admit I’m painting Joel with a more clear cut depiction by singling out his flaws, but it is true he is extremely likeable and seems sincere in how he eventually grows to care for Ellie as his surrogate daughter. Some of my favorite moments in this sequel were the flashbacks with Ellie and him, particularly in the museum which was one of the more nostalgic and emotional scenes. Now, did I want to see Joel die in this game? No, but I understand completely why he is murdered, and the justification behind doing so. The truth is Joel deserved Abby’s wrath by tenfold.

Here is where I have some issues behind Ellie’s motivation for revenge. During flashback sequences, it is revealed that Ellie discovers the truth of what went down at St. Mary’s Hospital at the end of the first game. Upon the revelation, her and Joel’s relationship becomes broken to the point of no return. She agrees to go back to Jackson, but exclaims how she can never forgive him for what he had done. Later on, their relationship appears to mend, albeit slightly, and she explains how she would like to “try” to forgive him. So there is some form of redemption occurring for Joel here, but it still is explicitly shown that Ellie would have rather died in that hospital for the possibility of a vaccine, than have Joel save her by massacring hundreds of Firefly members. Therefore, when the reasons behind Joel’s death are clear, you would think Ellie would be more understanding and withdraw from her revenge quest. She instead amplifies it. Even after she finds peace at the farm house with Dina and JJ, she is still consumed by her thirst for revenge. Now part of this is from clear symptoms of PTSD, which is realistically depicted within the game. However, this is the plot device that I dislike the most. Ellie should no longer have any motivation to go after Abby, since she was spared not once, but twice from Abby’s wrath, and has since learned the truth behind Abby’s own motivation for revenge. While I loved the Santa Barbara sequence, I feel a different plot direction was needed to elicit the reunion between Ellie and Abby other than Ellie going off on another revenge hunt.

With all of the above mentioned details between Ellie and Joel, I find some interesting parallels between the two. While Joel abandoned his humanity by the end of the first game, and in essence became a villain, I feel like Ellie makes a similar transformation in this game during her revenge quest. I understand that for both characters, these transformations are more designed to show their flaws and even to a certain extent provide some type of learning and growth, but it also does change, at least some players, opinions of the morality behind these characters. By the end of this game, Ellie will have realized she lost everything she wanted in a peaceful life with Dina and JJ at the farm, just to further pursue a lost cause of revenge that was never going to heal her pain. Same goes for Joel, in that he lost his good relationship with Ellie. One could also look at Abby as well, and see all of the loss she accrued as well, by enacting an otherwise justified revenge.

Speaking of Abby, I’m surprised by the amount of hate this character received with what seems to be her only flaw is not being Ellie, well that and she killed the beloved Joel. I thought it was an excellent way to structure the story, in separating and then coinciding the two perspectives of Ellie and Abby. First, we get to see Ellie enact revenge or try to anyway, against some unknown entity that caused Joel’s death. Then we get to see Abby’s perspective and why her killing of Joel was justified, thus turning the plot of the game on its head. The inclusion of Lev and his sister is another interesting aspect of the story, with the relationship between Abby and Lev forming a replacement duo of what had been Joel and Ellie of the first game. Lev’s presence serves more to bring Abby’s humanity back from its recesses, which is similar to the hardened Joel that we had seen at the beginning of the first game before his fondness grew of Ellie.

I’m not sure what kind of game the disgruntled fans were expecting, but with the way the first one ended, there was really no other way it could go without that event being addressed in some form or another. It’s not the greatest video game story ever told (a difficult task to do in this crowded zombie apocalypse genre), and it probably is more than likely an unnecessary sequel, but it is a pretty great game nonetheless and does not deserve some of the fan bashing that it has received.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2020
