Played the Pixel Remaster version on PC which contains significant difficulty reductions compared to the NES original so keep that in mind during this review. I don't have much to say about this game. It is certainly the start of a very long and iterative series that would make several improvements over the course of its games. As for this first entry however its a pretty bog standard JRPG that doesn't really do anything that wrong but also doesn't really stand out in any particular area aside from its incredible music of course. I mean the battle theme is basically THE JRPG battle theme and the added final boss music in the pixel remaster is also an incredible piece. The story is also nothing to write home about, It's your standard "find the 4 magical mcguffins and kill god" story that many JRPG's have done in the past although FF1 is unique in that it was actually one of the first games to do this setup which popularized the trope in the first place. One of my big gripes with this game however is how easy it is to wander around without some sort of purpose. Areas are not marked on the map until they are visited so it can sometimes be hard to tell which direction you need to go which contributes to you fighting more annoying random encounters. The game can actually be beaten in a relatively reasonable amount of random encounters if you know where to go, but for people who don't have a guide open in another tab the entire time they are playing. Unnecessary random encounters will be everywhere and cause significant frustration.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
