I sure do love a good devolver game, and Loop Hero has that quintessential indie goodness at it's heart. The concept for the game is very engaging - an RPG that plays automatically on a loop and while your character levels up and collects loot, you collect cards which you can use to build structures on and around the track which add enemies, villages, and events.

It's a cool idea so it's disappointing that it exhausts itself quickly. The game is intended to be played many times in order to collect resources which you use to build a town in a micro reflection of the main game, placing structures to unlock permanent upgrades, character classes, and special features like resurrections.

As you unlock structures you also unlock new cards and you can customise your 'deck' to access different combos and synergies between the structures in-game. Unfortunately there's a very limited number of cards overall and their actual impact is pretty minimal just affecting some monster spawns. There's also only a handful of strategies that will actually result in a winning game and that is still dependent on the luck of equipment drops. Features like the alchemist, power-up crafting, and farms just feel like they exist to ease the grind a bit but it all feels mathematical, not substantive in gameplay.

The story is interesting but very short with the game only having 3 levels that are effectively identical beyond some stricter rules and number changes. Most of the game will be spent grinding resources to build your home town up. The environmental card combinations were fun to discover, and some of the structure interactions were fun, but in the end it felt like too little to really support the game long term. I imagine that's why there's only 3 levels.

Creative, interesting new ideas being explored, but not very deep.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
