It was really encouraging to see a comeback from this IP but it's sad to see that they only really took the game at face value. The new team have 'fixed' things that were really intentional parts of the design in the older game. Standing in specific places, moving a certain number of spaces per action, throwing things at specific locations - these were all very tactical parts of the game.

Now that everything is freeform and you can be anywhere in the 3D space, it makes everything much more clunky and difficult to be precise with. Also some of the grittiness and dirtiness of the old environments has been lost as everything has become so clean and shiny now.

It's a very well intentioned step in the wrong direction, but I'm torn as it was still lovely to see Abe making a comeback and the upgrade had so much potential. I just wish the dev's understood the game better.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
