A fun reverse horror experience. Getting to play as the monster and going on a metroidvania adventure to collect alien DNA and evolve new nightmarish abilities - absolute recipe for success.

The game lives up to its premise as you crawl your way around the walls of each level, slowly expand your biomass by consuming scientists and civilians, learning to navigate by the sewers and vents in order to evade defences and use your many tendrils to grab, slam, throw, and consume your mortal prey.

It's a fun ride with some interesting puzzles along the way, but there is very little variation in enemies and as much fun as it is to terrorise the humans it can get repetitive fast. The upgrades you get are mostly just functionality upgrades like extra energy, larger size, more strength, while the few more 'monstrous' abilities you gain end up being very circumstantial and directly get used to bypass literal progress gates.

The art style is great, very detailed for the pixelated look it goes with, but the music is pretty forgettable atmospheric horror stock. It gets points for uniqueness and ingenuity but there's a much better game that's been narrowly missed and that's disappointing to see. A good proof of concept, here's hoping they expand on what's been established in a more extensive follow up.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
