I never played the original Crisis Core on PSP, but I've heard good things about it.

After finishing it, I can say I enjoyed the story and the gameplay was enjoyable enough to take me through the game. There's a HUGE amount of grinding you're able to do, but I dont think any was really necessary on normal mode. I finished the story mode doing all the side missions I was strong enough to beat, which took me to 7* difficulty and 48% completion, so I'm certain there's plenty of challenging side content for after you beat the game.

I thought a lot of mechanics were actively damaging my experience when I tried to engage with them, like relying on buster sword stance to increase my proficiency or using materia I didn't like to fuse new ones.

I definitely recommend the game to any Final Fantasy fans (7 in particular), but I would say to play how you want, don't force yourself to engage with the systems if you don't want to like I did, because there's no worthwhile payoff.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2023
