the best of the classic smt gameplay

better than the actual metroid 2 remake

the best out of the trilogy. language barrier is still there but gameplay is the best it's been

enjoyed despite the language barrier

love this game but forced motion controls are icky

wish there was more stuff from PM that wasnt sticker star but oh well

The only star ocean game I can say I thoroughly enjoyed to the end. great improvements over the psp ver

I think a review I saw somewhere else described the game perfectly; "The NPCs are probably having a better time than I am." just play 2 and 3

Was good until you hit the crystal tower. still it introduced the job system which another game in this franchise that uses it I like

the combat was fun and real emotion slaps. other than that yeahhh this game didn't need to exist. we could've gotten a prequel game with auron and jecht

it was ok. I didnt think much of it but the aesthetic is cool (I had bought this for christmas the year it released but never finished it til like 2 or 3 years later)

mfw dormina to calm death combo