The pinnacle of the indie genre, Hades is absolutely remarkable, and the perfect example of what makes a videogame "fun".
I really don't like the concept of Rogue-Like/Rogue-Lite games, but Hades was surprisingly enjoyable from start to finish.

The characters are the highlight of the game for sure, every character is very likeable, they all have their own personalities, and they really enhance the story of the game, which is very simple and all around just good.

The gameplay is fantastic, all the power ups and the Boons make it less repetitive, which is a big issue with Rogue-Like/Rogue-Lite games, and I love how Hades tries to stay away from repetitiveness as much as possible, by adding unique dialogue to almost every encounter, it's crazy how much effort was put into this game.

Also I love the soundtrack, it's has a unique old school arcadey vibe to it and fits perfectly with the game.

This is quite literally a flawless videogame, the only complain I have is that it's just not really my type of game, but the fact that I enjoyed it that much should tell you how stellar this game truly is.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
