Decided to play this oldie. It was shockingly hard, though mostly due to one hit being death, and how slippery Alex is to control. He goes super fast when you initial move him, and keeps going for a while when you stop.

I do like the variety in gameplay, with the optional vehicle sections giving a change of pace somewhat frequently, and with them mostly just there to give you money. Very easy to lose the vehicle though. The rock-paper-scissors is pretty weird, and seems to exist just to waste time.

The levels also get shockingly fast and easy after the first castle. The last level though is still a doozy, especially with the traps.

The more I play these old games, the more I remember that they're designed to be a kids "one game" that they play repeatedly all day to make any progress with. And Alex Kidd in Miracle World definitely feels like that kind of game.


Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
