Felvidek is a short, roughly 5 hour story about an alcoholic Slovakian knight. I personally am not good with history at all, so in regards to that, I didnt know or care much about it.
What drew me into this game was it’s unique (or, unique at this day and age) art style. While that definitely is one of its strong suits, what really made me love this game was the silly dialogue and actions mixed with the sort of surreal enemies and overall story. The silly dialogue could be a turn off for some people, but I thought it had its place, and didnt overstep its boundaries, keeping the tone of the story consistent all throughout. A lot of the characters were also fun to interact with too.

The story itself I thought was good, around a 7. Nothing crazy, but nothing like I have played before really, and I was pretty invested.

Overall, a great short game, probably the best game I’ve played under ~10 hrs. Will be memorable, and is definitely worth the price.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
