A slightly more bloated take on the Doom 2016 formula, in all aspects: story, mechanics, content. Where Doom 2016 was beautiful and unique in its relative simplicity and freeform combat, Eternal stuffs in a load of new combat mechanics that must be mastered to succeed, leading to a far more limiting combat experience. The game feels like Doom 2016, but it does not flow like it.

Same goes for the story. While Doom 2016 rarely ever bogged the player down with story moments, cutscenes and lore, Eternal's story and lore play a far more prominent role, and there's a lot more of it. I found myself skipping cutscenes and audio logs, just wanting to get back to the action, while in Doom 2016, the sparse story and lore made me enjoy the background lore a lot more.

However, none of this is objectively 'bad', and the changes made in this game may be well suited to some people, less so for others. This is still an extremely solid game and I very much enjoyed my time with it, but I often found myself wondering: "Why I don't I just replay Doom 2016 instead?"

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2021
