Katamari Damacy’s unmatched style and core idea carry the experience through rough tank controls and wonky physics. From the crazy opening cutscene with a theme song that will borrow deep within your mind, it is clear that Katamari is something special and one of a kind. The joyous and earworm music set the perfect tone, the art style looks vibrant and utterly unique as it scales, and the core activity (in concept) of rolling up the world into a ball is a delight. It just has to be seen.

Unfortunately, in order to see it, you’ll have to suffer through tank controls that have no place in the year of our lord 2021. Even by the end, your Katamari can feel not quite under control. Pair this lack of control with occasional physics wonkiness, like getting battered around by multiple cars then tossed off a cliff, and the delightful game can get a bit frustrating.

But even so, Katamari is definitely still worth seeing. Rarely is there a game that is so entirely its own thing. And pretty much guaranteed to make you smile.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2021
