I honestly don't get what people see in this game. The combat loop in this game just feels frustrating and boring for me, I appreciate the type of game where it's less improvisation and all execution (Katana Zero, Celeste) but this game just doesn't do it for me. Getting an encounter right feels less like skill and more like luck when enemies' projectiles and reload times can be inconsistent between runs. I don't know if it's the fact that I played on controller but the wall running and parkour parts of this game felt at best boring and at worst sloppy and difficult to control. The plot is very cookie cutter and boring and failed to capture my attention for even a second as each line is delivered without even a semblance for emotion or heart in a robotic, monotone voice. The visuals are good at some points but mostly just feel like uninspired filler. The music is good but it doesn't feel like it fits the game very well. Overall this game just didn't sit right with me at all. It's a shame because I went in wanting to love this game but it just felt wrong at every turn.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2021
